MNRE is implementing Rooftop Solar Programme Phase-II inter-alia providing Central Financial Assistance (CFA) for installation of Rooftop Solar (RTS) in the residential sector. The Programme is being implemented by DISCOMs/State Implementing Agencies.
MNRE has developed a ‘National Portal (NP)’ for the registration of applications under the simplified procedure. The whole process from submission of application to the release of subsidy/CFA would be implemented in online mode through this portal.
National Portal for Rooftop Solar was launched on 30.7.2022. On the National Portal any residential consumer from any part of country can apply for installation of RTS and get CFA directly in his/her bank account. All the steps starting from application to release of CFA can be monitored by consumer online on the Portal. In the National Portal the CFA amount for the RTS capacity installed by a consumer is common for entire country which is as under:
- Individual Household – For first 3 kW: Rs. 14588/ kW and for RTS capacity beyond 3 kW and upto 10 kW: Rs. 7294/kW.
- Resident Welfare Associations/Group Housing Societies (RWA/GHS) – Rs. 7294/kW for common facilities up to 500 kWp @ 10 kWp per house.
The Phase-II of RTS program is valid till 31.03.2026 or until further notice. However, the CFA/subsidy applicable for projects installed through National Portal would be subject to annual revision (calendar year).
Martha Stewart –
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